Many of us spend a lot of time outside. May it be commuting or out of personal interests and love for outdoors, nature and sports, eventually you will face the trouble called weather. You might be one of those who actually like rain and snow, however nobody is impressed when the items in their backpack get wet and destroyed.
Greva d.o.o. company was established in year 2013 with the goal of providing a solution to getting your items destroyed in bad weather. At the time there was a lack of good quality waterproof bags in Slovenia that would be versatile, fashionable and could be worn for sports as well as suitable for daily use.
What is Feelfree Outdoor Station?
More and more people shop online each year, but the internet can sometimes feel overwhelming. You can’t decide where to buy, what to buy, sometimes you can’t find what you’re looking for, or the information is unclear.
We are striving to create an EASY-TO-NAVIGATE online shop with FAST and reliable delivery options. We would like your online shopping to be as comfortable and EFFORTLESS as shopping from your home should always be – with help when needed and a wide range of different items so you can find anything you are looking for.
We are striving to create an EASY-TO-NAVIGATE online shop with FAST and reliable delivery options. We would like your online shopping to be as comfortable and EFFORTLESS as shopping from your home should always be – with help when needed and a wide range of different items so you can find anything you are looking for.
Our goal is to create the PERFECT customer experience for you.

Marko Marič
Lorem ipsum dolor sit imet napisano nekaj o nama

Marko Marič
Lorem ipsum dolor sit imet napisano nekaj o nama

Marko Marič
Lorem ipsum dolor sit imet napisano nekaj o nama
Our story

With that in mind we became the official distributor of the Feelfree brand that creates top quality waterproof gear – from small 2L waterproof bags to giant 84L waterproof backpacks that are great for diving, you can always rely on your Feelfree bag. The shop was small, and first only selling in Slovenia, but it started to grow fast. With Feelfree came kayaks, and we soon also added inflatable kayaks, SUP boards, waterproof phone cases and more to our range.
Fast forward to year 2018, we have now sold our items to 23 different countries. We offer a full range of watersports related products from Feelfree kayaks, inflatable kayaks Advanced Elements, SUP boards Red Paddle Co, Aqua Marina, SHARK, SUP and kayak paddles, life jackets, towable tubes, diving equipment and more.
Fast forward to year 2018, we have now sold our items to 23 different countries. We offer a full range of watersports related products from Feelfree kayaks, inflatable kayaks Advanced Elements, SUP boards Red Paddle Co, Aqua Marina, SHARK, SUP and kayak paddles, life jackets, towable tubes, diving equipment and more.

We are going to become a one place stop for all your shopping needs.
In the year 2018 we have a new and improved website design coming, which will make looking for items more effortless than ever. We are also improving the payment system for you and offering more shipping options. In the future we are planning to further improve our item range – with more watersports related items as well as with items unrelated to sports and outdoors.
We are going to become a one place stop for all your shopping needs. We will welcome other sellers on our website as well, which will allow us to cover even more different segments. We are always on the lookout for new ways to improve your shopping experience and we are looking forward to all the changes we have planned for year 2018
We are going to become a one place stop for all your shopping needs. We will welcome other sellers on our website as well, which will allow us to cover even more different segments. We are always on the lookout for new ways to improve your shopping experience and we are looking forward to all the changes we have planned for year 2018
Contact details
E-mail: |
Address: Greva d.o.o., Brodišče 4, 1236 Trzin, Slovenia |
Phone: +386 70 406 666